This weeks featured fort is "The Perfume Shoppe". Having an interview with the owner of this fort (Stefan), we have opened some of the history of this wonderful fort:
The fort started with a graduated Elm, Ben Andrew. He gathered Caitlin Kelly and a group of 4th and 5th graders for the fort to form. After a while, Ben and Caitlin started mixing and grinding different things together to create a beautiful smelling perfume. Pretty soon, the fort became as popular as Super Man!
Then, as the months went by, it got closer to the end of the year. The poor fort started to lose its charm and the fort owner began to worry about what would happen the next year. Stefan had joined the fort a couple of months before and Ben turned to him near graduation time. Ben gave the fort, happily, to Stefan for safe keeping. This year, the fort isn't as booming as it once was, but it will hopefully not run out of its special zing over the years as it descends from person to person.
- D.R.
Caitlin will be thrilled that someone has preserved the legacy of the The Perfume Shoppe! I'll tell her to read the Daily Sap for more news of the forts at Prairie Creek. She and Ben (and others) put a lot of time and effort into creating their own unique, natural scents.
C. Sullivan Kelley
Posted by: Chris Sullivan Kelley | October 13, 2008 at 09:28 PM